First Edition is stated on the copyright page below the full Random House number line "24689753". The binding is navy blue cloth with gold lettering. The back of the dust jacket has five reviews, beginning with one by George McGovern. Mr. Buckley tended to sign this book on the front end paper.
There were 353 limited copies of the first edition that were issued in a slipcase with a signed numbered page. These copies had bindings similar to the other first editions, but they had a special pocket in the back that held a signed and edited page from the original manuscript of Racing Through Paradise. The limited edition also had a book marker ribbon, and was issued in a slipcase rather than a dust jacket. The limited editions were part of the first edition printing, and as such they had the same copyright page as the other first editions, including the full random house number line and First Edition statement.
Picture of the 1987 first edition dust jacket for Racing Through Paradise.
Picture of the first edition copyright page for Racing Through Paradise.
Picture of dust jacket where original $25.00 price is found for Racing Through Paradise.
Picture of the back dust jacket for the first edition of Racing Through Paradise.
Picture of the first edition Random House boards for Racing Through Paradise.
Picture of the back dust jacket flap for the first edition of Racing Through Paradise.
Picture of the first edition title page for Racing Through Paradise.
This is one of the limited copies of the first edition of Racing Through Paradise, which was issued in a slipcase rather than a dust jacket.
This is the signed and numbered page from one of the limited copies of the first edition of Racing Through Paradise.
There are special pockets in the limited copies of the first edition. They hold a signed and edited page from the original manuscript of Racing Through Paradise.
This is a page from the original manuscript of Racing Through Paradise. It was issued with the limited copies of the first edition. The page is signed, and includes edits such as typo fixes, grammatical error fixes, and word changes.
This is the book marker ribbon from a limited copy of the first edition of Racing Through Paradise.
Disclaimer: This website is intended to help guide you and give you insight into what to look for when identifying first editions. The information is compiled from the experience of reputable collectors and dealers in the industry. Gathering and updating information about these books is more an art than a science, and new identication criteria and points of issue are sometimes discovered that may contradict currently accepted identification points. This means that the information presented here may not always be 100% accurate.