Year Published: 1918
Author Last Name: Bigelow
Author First Name: Poultney
Publisher: Putnam
Original Price: $1.50
Pages: 207
Copyright year matches the year on the title page (1918) with no statement of subsequent impressions on the copyright page. Binding is blue cloth with gold lettering. There are two advertisements on last two pages of the book. Both dust jacket flaps are blank, and the price is listed on the spine. There is an advertisement on the back of the dust jacket that is a duplicate of one of the advertisements found inside the book.
Genseric is classified in the following category: History
Picture of the 1918 first edition dust jacket for Genseric.
Picture of the first edition copyright page for Genseric.
The $1.50 price is found on the dust jacket spine rather than the front flap.
Picture of the back dust jacket for the first edition of Genseric.
Picture of the first edition Putnam boards for Genseric.
Picture of the back dust jacket flap for the first edition of Genseric.
Picture of the first edition title page for Genseric.
The front flap is blank. The price is found on the spine.
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