First Edition Points and Criteria for Breathing Lessons
Year Published: 1988
Author Last Name: Tyler
Author First Name: Anne
Publisher: Franklin Library
Original Price:
Pages: 327
The true first edition is the Franklin Library "Signed First Edition."
The first trade edition is valued between $15 and $50.
Breathing Lessons won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction.

Picture of the 1988 first edition dust jacket for Breathing Lessons.

This is the first trade edition dust jacket.

This is the copyright page from the first trade edition of Breathing Lessons. Notice that it specifically states "First Trade Edition" and it references that a signed first edition has been privately printed by The Franklin Library.

This is the front dust jacket flap from the first trade edition of Breathing Lessons. It has a price on the upper corner of $18.95. Notice that there is a statement that says "A Book-Of-The-Month-Club Main Selection". This does not mean that it is a book club edition. Rather it simply means that there was a plan arrangment to produce a book club edition. This is a badge of honor for publishers who are try to sell as many copies as they can by any means necessary.

This is the back panel of the dust jacket from the first trade edition of Breathing Lessons.

These are the first trade edition boards for Breathing Lessons.

This is the back dust jacket flap from the first trade edition of Breathing Lessons. On the bottom is the month and year when the book was published - 9/88 - September 1988.

This is the title page from the first trade edition of Breathing Lessons.

The first trade edition has the Borzoi Books blind stamp which should not be confused for a book of the month blind stamp.
Other first edition points for books by Anne Tyler include: The Tin Can Tree, The Accidental Tourist, Noah's Compass, Celestial Navigation.
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Use the pre-filled links below to find the market value of Breathing Lessons. Remember that the dust jacket is an important part of any book, and so books without their original dust jackets typically have less value.
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Disclaimer: This website is intended to help guide you and give you insight into what to look for when identifying first editions. The information is compiled from the experience of reputable collectors and dealers in the industry. Gathering and updating information about these books is more an art than a science, and new identication criteria and points of issue are sometimes discovered that may contradict currently accepted identification points. This means that the information presented here may not always be 100% accurate.
Other first edition points for books by Anne Tyler include: The Tin Can Tree, The Accidental Tourist, Noah's Compass, Celestial Navigation.
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Use the pre-filled links below to find the market value of Breathing Lessons. Remember that the dust jacket is an important part of any book, and so books without their original dust jackets typically have less value.Popular on FEdPo: